Friday, November 19, 2010

Todays lesson.........;)

Today I would like to talk about Catalyst, the pill from Advocare that literally melts the fat off of your body, it is an amino acid mix that feeds your muscles and starves your fat. This is the only amino acid in the market that does what it says it does. Most amino acids are made up of bird feet, and other unmentionable things..:)

Amino acids help your muscles recover as well as help that layer of fat (pesky little thing) that tends to get stuck around the middle I right ladies??

How is everyone on sleep? At least 8 hours a day, don't forget your 640z of water as well......

Recipe for awesome this week is turkey chili.....1 pound of turkey cooked with half a onion, season with chili powder.....Pour into large bowl keep on medium heat. Add 1 can of stewed tomatos (large), 1 can of white beans, 1 can of white kidney beans, 1 can of black beans, 2 cans of chili beans, and 1 whole kabasa turkey sausage, season to taste, let simmer for twenty minutes then serve...CHILLS perfect for the next day as well!

Exercises for this week: Run in place for 30 seconds, 30 seconds jumping jacks, 30 seconds squats, STOP FOR 30 Seconds and drink some water. 30 Seconds butt kicks (where u kick your butt with your feet like you are running really hard), 30 seconds high knees, 30 seconds high jumps (jump high like you are jumping rope) stop and rest......
repeat this three times...
When you are finished drop to the ground and do 20 push ups...jump up and do football sprints (quick feet), drop back down and do 10 push ups, jump up and do football sprints (for another ten seconds) drop down and do 5 more push ups, jump up for anotehr ten seconds of quick feet, then finally drop down, take some water, and rest..Good've just burned more calories and built more muscle than if you would have gone for a two mile walk..:) More to come!

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